Avernum: The Complete Saga (GOG) für 3,39 EUR #Reseller

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Bei GOG ist nun Avernum: The Complete Saga (GOG) für 3,39 EUR als Blitzangebot erhältlich. Ihr bekommt hier die original Versionen von Avernum 1 bis 6 sowie Blades of Avernum. Alle Spiele einzeln zu kaufen wäre vergleichsweise natürlich sehr viel teurer. Ihr habt noch bis zum 6. Juni um 15 Uhr Zeit, euch die Spiele-Sammlung zu kaufen. Achtung: Die Spiele sind nur in englischer Sprache spielbar!

Metacritic: tbd (Blades of Avernum)

Vergleichspreis: 11,29 EUR (Reseller)


"Avernum is the Empire’s underground penal colony. There, those who are uncomfortable for the ruling Regime are thrown in via magical portal to never be heard from again. You have been exiled to the dark, volcanic pits of Avernum, filled with foul monsters, constant warfare, and thousands upon thousands of your fellow prisoners. This is your punishment for not fitting in, for daring to speak your mind against the powers that be. You have a choice: accept your fate and die in this cold, dank underworld or take up arms against the tyrant who stripped you of your life, your status, your freedom. Will you be the first to escape Avernum?

Avernum: The Complete Saga features six complete dungeon crawling RPGs designed for anyone who longs for an epic quest, enjoys a fascinating and engaging tale, or misses the classic days of role playing games. Included in the set is Blades of Avernum, a collection of smaller adventure modules, such as A Small Rebellion, The Valley of Dying Things, The Za-Khazi Run, and Diplomacy With the Dead, and gives you the complete freedom to create your own adventures and cunning characters to share with your friends.

  • Avernum: The Complete Saga includes the original versions of Avernum 1 through 6 and Blades of Avernum.
  • Rich game system with over 50 spells and battle disciplines and a multitude of beneficial character traits to choose from.
  • An enormous world. Hundreds of quests, dozens of dungeons and enemy fortresses, and multitudes of characters.
  • Many unique encounters. Not just mindless hack and slash. Many unusual enemies that will require clever tactics to defeat."

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Avernum: The Complete Saga für 3,39 EUR
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