Heat Signature Supporter's Edition (Steam) für 8,77 EUR #Reseller

Heat Signature Supporter's Edition (Steam) für 8,77 EUR #Reseller
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Im Humble Store gibt es derzeit die Heat Signature Supporter's Edition (Steam) für 8,77 EUR. Das ist ein neuer Bestpreis für die Supporter's Edition. Achtung: Das Spiel ist nicht in deutscher Sprache spielbar, sondern nur auf Englisch. Wen das nicht abhält, der schaut im Humble Store vorbei. Humble ist ein offizieller Reseller, der die Spiele-Keys direkt vom Entwickler bezieht.

Metacritic: 79%

Vergleichspreis: 25,99 EUR


"The Supporter's Edition of Heat Signature comes with a bunch of fun extras:

  • Play through Heat Signature's development with 8 prototypes from its 3.5 year development.
  • Watch 9 developer commentary videos showing and explaining its evolution: from drilling through hulls to liberating empires. (Total: 70 minutes)
  • Own the full soundtrack in 320kbps MP3 format.


Heat Signature is a game from the developers of Gunpoint where you break into spaceships, make terrible mistakes, and think of clever ways out of them. You take missions to steal, rescue, capture or kill, fly out to the target ship, dock with their airlock, sneak inside, and make clever use of your gadgets to distract, ambush and take out the crew.

  • Emergent gameplay: use gadgets like teleporters, stealth shields and subverters to invent your own solutions to tricky situations.
  • Zoom smoothly from a view of the whole galaxy down to your character sneaking up on guards inside the spaceship you're boarding.
  • No time pressure: you can pause any time and take as long as you need to plan, aim shots, and figure out your next move.
  • Choose your difficulty: you choose each mission, ranging from trivially easy to nightmarishly hard.
  • Randomly generated missions: each one picks a random combination of guard kit, ship layout, and complications like space battles.
  • Each life is a character: choose between randomly generated characters with different starting kit, and when you die, play as someone new in the same galaxy.
  • Unlock new technologies: your missions help liberate stations, and stations unlock new gadgets for all future characters to buy.
  • Personal missions: every character has one grand heist to work towards: rescue their brother, steal their gun back, get revenge on their partner's killer.
  • All seamless: the ship you're on continues to fly around the galaxy as you sneak about inside, even as it gets into ship battles.
  • Full modular destruction of every spaceship: shoot a fuel barrel to blow up the room and be flung into space by the vacuum. Rip ships in half, destroy secure rooms to form new entrances to dock at.
  • Lovely spacey music."
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Heat Signature Supporter's Edition für 8,77 EUR
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