Songs of Syx (GOG) für 16,79 EUR #Reseller

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Bei GOG könnt ihr euch gerade das Spiel Songs of Syx (GOG) für 16,79 EUR kaufen. Dabei handelt es sich um einen neuen Bestpreis für die Städtebausimulation, die sich noch im Early Access befindet und daher keinen offiziellen Metascore besitzt. Die bisherigen Bewertungen bei Steam sind aber allesamt äußerst positiv. Im Trailer erfahrt ihr Genaueres über das Spiel, das nur auf Englisch spielbar ist.

Metacritic: tbd

Vergleichspreis: 24,50 EUR


"Songs of Syx is a fantasy city-builder where you start off as an insignificant colony and build, scheme, and fight your way towards a metropolis and empire. The mechanics are complex and true to life, where small events can spiral into the collapse of kingdoms. Easy to learn, but impossible to master. It's set in a low-fantasy world with graphics aimed at stimulating your imagination.

Living World

Full of different races, cultures, old and new gods and strange creatures. Night turns to day, climate and weather change, and migrations of animals and people flow. Droughts and pestilence, pirates and bandits, and new discoveries will ensure kingdoms and empires come and go with or without your intervention. No game will ever be the same, as all content, background stories, and easter-eggs are generated uniquely each iteration, while still sticking to a rich background story that you will unfold piece by piece.

Base Building on a Huge Scale

Take your settlement further that you ever have by winning the hearts of your subjects or by whipping them into submission. Have their number swell your insignificant colony into a metropolis of tens of thousands. Be careful not to overreach, as everything you build requires upkeep and a slight disruption of your production, or a dip in your standing, could quickly spiral out of control and your people will not hesitate to depose a thoughtless king.

Grand Strategy

As your capital grows, it must be sustained by the villages, towns, lumber camps, castles and ports that constitute your kingdom. But you're not alone in. Other kingdoms and despots are eager to forge an alliance or expand their borders, so tend to your relations and try not to stand out culturally. To grow your might, you must engage in global trade, where there are no fixed prices, no currency to mint, but based on supply and demand, turning you rich one day, and your goods worthless on the next, if you're not paying attention.

Massive Tactical Battles

Gather forces from allies and vassals and conscript traveling mercenaries and heroes to bolster your ranks with up to 20k individual units. Use tactics and skill to encircle your enemy, or let your reputation demoralize them before clashes of up to 40k units, which outcomes dictate the rise and fall of empires.

Nobility & Slaves

Break the backs of slaves as they make your beds and swab your floors. Just throw them a bone from time to time to keep them from rising up in revolt. Appoint nobles, or import them from other kingdoms and have them manage different aspects of your kingdom to boosts your production and standing, but be careful with whom to trust, and reward them accordingly as some might get the idea to usurp you or join your enemies.

Matching Soundtrack

Thanks to the fulfilment of our first Kickstarter stretchgoal the game will have a fully fledged soundtrack made by @jasinkamusic. We already have some tracks done which neatly fit into the playable prototype."

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Songs of Syx für 16,79 EUR
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